Sunday, June 3, 2012

Quarterly Crop Day with Creating Outside the Book Club Group

Once every 3 months or so my Art Book Club Group gets together for an all day crop day on a Sunday.  We each get our own 8 foot table to spread out all our stuff and everyone brings any type of art projects they are currently working on.  There is always a potluck of delicious food and some amazing girl bonding and laughter!!

Top Left to Right: Anne, Kat, Glenna, Judy, Gaye, Wendy  
Bottom Left to Right:  Pam, Alma, Marlene, Kathren, Cynthia and ...
Cyndi is taking the photo

I am working on a punch inventory.  Happy to say I finished it!  Yippee!

Kat is working on her prayer flags for a group trade.
Cynthia is also working on her prayer flags.
Silly girl...always making us laugh!

Kathren came up with the design for our upcoming group trade.  OH MY these look so detail oriented, she has to make 17 of these!  Glad to know I am not the only crazy one here.

I told you there is lots of laughter!  Meet Pam. :-)

Meet Cyndi.  Hmmmm...she is looking sneaky about something. :-)

Meet Judy.  This is the proper glue squeezing technique.

Meet Wendy.  Check out this cool box she is making.

Meet Glenna with the pretty smile! 

Meet Gaye.  Lots and lots of amazingly beautiful wedding invitations.

Meet Marlene.  Love this...wish I could see how she finished it.

Meet Alma.  OH soooooo cute!

Love these ladies!!!  We have soooooo much fun together!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad I couldn't make the date - lokks like fun - missed all of YOU !
